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Three Killer Assumptions That Cause Stress

Stop Buying into Your Own Stories We all make assumptions. Whether it’s due to the expression on our partner’s face that we know so well or that word or two a co-worker left out of an email, we know what they’re thinking, right? Wrong. You can never know with certainty what is happening in someone Read the full article…

Exercise is not depression’s holy grail

A Personalized Approach to Depression Exercise is not depression’s holy grail Depression ain’t what it used to be. And that is a good thing. The turn of the 21st century gave depression a better identity. Gone are the days when people with depression hid in the back bedroom, were shunned or worst of all, confined Read the full article…

Self-Care Includes Cleaning Up Your Friendships

Identify the Vampires Among Your Friends and Make Changes When it comes to friendship, a few good sayings have come up over the years that have been said in different ways by different people:          “You can choose your friends but not your family”          “Friends are the family we choose” These quotes imply that Read the full article…

Ways to Make Therapy for Employees Better Used

Ways to Make Therapy for Employees Better Used

Solving Problems at Work Should Include Support for Employees & Guidance for Supervisors Balance Support with Education Counselling has been around forever.  It can be formal and provided by an accredited professional or it can be informal and provided by caring friends and family members who support each other and give advice.  The latter is Read the full article…